MiXFits Kits for Neutral Tones
How much MiXFits makeup could a makeup mix make fit? Testing . . .
If you are looking for a kit that will let you command the neutral scale, we have designed these Kits for Neutral Tones that can be used to color match skin tones, create some secondary hues, and achieve lots of desaturated color combinations, all with Element finish options at a savings of 10%.
Check out our Saturated Color Menus to see what combinations of the Earth Colors Red, Yellow, and Blue look like, or if you want to learn more, see the MiXTips page.
Matte and Neutral includes the Unattached Element, Matte Element, 1N, 4N, 6N, 10N, 12N, Earth yellow, Earth Red, Earth Blue.
Luster and Neutral includes the Unattached Element, Luster Element, 1N, 4N, 6N, 10N, 12N, Earth yellow, Earth Red, Earth Blue.
Shimmer and Neutral includes the Unattached Element, Shimmer Element, 1N, 4N, 6N, 10N, 12N, Earth yellow, Earth Red, Earth Blue.