MiXFits Jump Start

  • MiXFits Jump Start
  • MiXFits Jump Start
  • MiXFits Jump Start
  • MiXFits Jump Start
  • MiXFits Jump Start

The Jump Start kits provide some Neutral and some Spectrum Colors that tend to complement each other for neutralizing or coloring applications, whether adjusting the products you already have or mixing to create your own outcome. Our kits include the Matte Element and the Unattached Element, our most flexible performance products.

Want to see more? https://www.mymixfits.com/mixtips

Neutral Fair Kit includes 6N, 10N, 12N, Earth Violet, NonVegan Green, Earth Blue, Matte Element, Unattached Element.

Neutral Dark Kit includes 1N, 2N, 4N, 6N, Earth Red, Earth Yellow, Earth Violet, Matte Element, Unattached Element.

Vibrant Color Kit includes 12N, Earth Violet, Earth Yellow, Dye Blue, NonVegan Red, NonVegan Green, Matte Element, Unattached Element.